Other Questions
What is an ISP?

ISP Stands for Internet Service Provider, your ISP is the company you connect to the internet through, for example Pipex or AOL.
How do you design an internet web site?
The language behind a website is called HTML, or the newer version XHTML which will eventually replace HTML. It isn't actually a programming language such as C++ in the literal sense, just a standard code which can be read by any major web browser. We code all websites "by hand", that is, using a text-editor instead of an application which tend to produce inferior websites as they don't give you the control you would have by writing the code yourself.
How many domains and UK domains are there on the internet?
There are now approximately 63 million registered domains, of those, 28 million are .com and about 2 million are .co.uk with 250,000 new domains being registered each week
I am interested in your service, so what do I need to do now?
To contact us please click on the contact option on the top menu. We would either email a reply to any queries your had or if you preferred, we would ring you and discuss them over the phone. You are under no obligation to contract us to design your web site for you, we would simply clear up any questions you may have about our service. You could also try our web design online estimate service before you contact if you wish, this way you can have a clearer idea about how our pricing system works.
Alternatively, if you have decided you would like us to design your web site for you, we would email you a file containing several of our more popular site designs to help you decide what layout you would like and we can discuss any graphics, animations or special features you would like on your site. Based on this we would give you an exact price for how much it would cost to design the site, although we can give you an estimate much sooner if required. If you would like to go ahead we would ask for a 35% deposit for the service, the remainder to be paid after you are completely happy with your web site.
If you would prefer that we word the web site for you as well, we would ask for any information you could provide us about the company, for example brochures or contact details. If that is not possible we would usually conduct a small prearranged telephone interview or if you had time, email a short list of questions to answer at your convenience. Any pictures you could provide us with would also help immensely.