Copyright Statement
All content on this site belongs to 4D Web Designs (this includes our source code, design, graphics, blog articles, music and text) and is copyright 2001-13. If you want to use a brief quote from this site you must indicate, and link to, the original page on 4D Web Designs it was lifted from. You must NOT steal paragraphs from this site to use in yours just so you can fill your site with content. We are constantly searching for such infringing sites that blatantly steal material and call it their own. We will take action against these websites.
All music contained is under copyright. This must NOT be reproduced, distributed or copied for commercial purposes. The music must not be communicated to the public without specific permission.
Websites listed in our web design portfolio section must NOT be linked to by other web designers to pass it as their own work. We will find any sites that steal our portfolio and take immediate action. Please note that images in the graphic design section must not have their watermark removed.
If you are unsure about these conditions and think you may be violating them please contact us, and we'll give you advice on what to do. Failing to do this when you are violating these conditions will result in legal action.