What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is simply the 'address' of your web site on the Internet, for example After we have checked for the availability of your desired web site address we will submit an application to register it under your name, which should take under 12 hours to finalise.
You cannot order any domain name you want, when you purchase a domain it becomes yours and no one else can use it. By the same respect you cannot have a name that someone else has previously registered. We will register all web sites under the name of the individual or business concerned.
The cost [according to 1&1 Hosting - prices may vary] of a Domain Name is £8.99 for a .com, .net, .org, .info or biz. domain per year [minimum 1 year] or £1.99 for a uk domain name per year [minimum 2 years].
What's Web Hosting?
Your Domain Name is your internet address, however the address will refer to the location on the internet where your web site is actually based on a computer
constantly connected to the internet called a server.
These servers can host your website, and they usually promise a 99% uptime, this is the amount of time the server is running which may sound like a lot, but in fact out of a month your site may be offline and unavailable for up to 7 hours, thus we will only host your site on servers with a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%.
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